[comp.sys.mac] Batman file...

adchen@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Anthony Dunyeh Chen) (03/14/89)

All right, here we go again.
For those of you offended by my recent postings press 'n' now.

For those of you who thought it was a dumb idea for me to try sending
400K files, give yourself a Batpat on the back.

For those of you who have no idea what's going on...I'm giving out the
plans for building your very own BatCave complete with Batmobile,
BatComputer, BatPoles, and Alfred. (BatGirl too if you send $10 and be nice.)  

For those of you who requested a copy of the Batman file and
haven't gotten one, you may want to check out sumex in a little while
(meaning waiting at least ten minutes after you read this before you
 ftp sumex..heh) 

I've asked Bill Lipa to keep it there.  But as he said "if we start
getting complaints about the size of our archives, I'll probably have to
delete it." That's the way it goes I guess. 

I'll still be sending out the files as fast as our mailer can handle
them though.

		Yours truly,
		Tony Chen

    Working on a Batsig....

adchen@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Anthony Dunyeh Chen) (03/14/89)

To anyone unstuffing the Batman file, just click the enter button for the
password.  Sorry 'bout that.  

			Tony Chen

adchen@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Anthony Dunyeh Chen) (03/16/89)

Okay folks, last time you'll see me and my Batposts, hopefully.

Someone at umn-cs.cs.umn.edu was kind enough to offer to put the Batman
file there.  It should be under pub/mac/sounds with the name batman.Z.


Wait at least two or three days.  Finals are going down over there, so
it may take a little while.

I'm still trying to see if Batman makes it to sumex, so just keep
hangin' around the archives until the file shows up.

Thanks to all Bat-fans out there. Any future sounds will be FIRST sent
to the appropriate archives, before any announcements are made.  Saves
any mailers from overload.  

	Tony Chen

adchen@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Anthony Dunyeh Chen) (03/16/89)

One last note.  Batman is now available at umn-cs.cs.umn.edu.

My thanks to David D "Zoo" Zuhn out at umn for getting it there so fast.  

Sorry to those of you that I couldn't get e-mail through to.  
Especially some of you in the UK.    

If any of you have any probs with ftping, gimme a holler and I'll get
the files out to you pronto!

I'm working on getting the Batman theme song digitized so stay tuned



				Tony Chen