(Victor Eng) (03/17/89)
Does anyone know the file format for (1) MacPaint documents (2) PixelPaint documents (3) FullPaint documents (4) SuperPaint documents ? I'm particularly interested in the structure of the data forks of these files. Please send email to Thanx. (Dennis Cohen) (03/17/89)
MacPaint and FullPaint documents have the same format and if you can find a copy of the old tech notes (from before March 88), there was one that described it; otherwise, you can get the info by writing to Claris Technical support. PixelPaint's format can be deciphered by looking at the source to PixelPaint Viewer, which is available on CompuServe, GEnie, and other places. I don't know the SuperPaint format or how to find it other than writing to Silicon Beach.