(Mark H. Anbinder) (04/05/89)
Why does WriteNow insist on changing the "Last modified" date in a document's Finder file info even if the file is not saved? Simply opening and closing a file changes the modification time and date to the current time and date, rendering USELESS having the modification date there in the first place. This is true of WriteNow 1.07 AND WriteNow 2.0, which otherwise has taken care of many of the problems I had with 1.07. It's very rude of WriteNow to do this to files that are not saved, and NeXT or T/Maker should change it. If they do, I'd love a new copy. -- Mark H. Anbinder ** NG33 MVR Hall, Media Services Dept. ** THCY@CRNLVAX5.BITNET Cornell University H: (607) 257-7587 ******** Ithaca, NY 14853 W: (607) 255-1566 ******* Ego ipse custodies custudio