[net.wanted] Q-Bus Equipment - Misc. Peripherals

lucchina@hsi.UUCP (12/12/84)

The following list of used computer equipment will be offered for
sale from 12-7-84 to 1-17-85. All equipment is in good working order
unless specified and will be sold AS IS.  All interfaces and memory
are Q-Bus compatible.

	QTY.		Description				Price/Ea.
	---	---------------------------			---------

	1	M8186 KDF11-AA DEC 11/23 CPU card		375.00

	1	M8186 KDF11-AB DEC 11/23 CPU with floating pt.	415.00

	1	M8044-D DEC MSV11-DD 64kb ram			90.00

	6	M7270 DEC 11/02 CPU card			100.00
	2	M8043	DEC DLV11-J				225.00

	2	M7944	DEC 4k ram				25.00

	10	GRC	DLV-11 async. int.			25.00

	1	GRC MLV-11 (128k ram with			300.00
		2 async. ports)
	1	M7941 DEC DRV-11				125.00

	2	GRC LPV-11 (centronics				75.00
		compatable line printer int.)

	4	GRC MSV-11 64k ram (Manufactured		100.00
		for GRC by Intel. Same as Intel 5004

	2	GRC Tristar flexible disk systems with		850.00
		controller. Consists of 3 CDC 8" disk drives
		ds/dd in enclosure with power supplies.

	1	Pertec D3482 cartridge disk drive with		600.00
		Dataram CO3 controller. 15 meg fixed
		5 meg. cartridge.

	1	Techtran 950 micro disk				100.00

	2	Wespercorp TC-150 tape controllers		600.00
		with Q-Bus buffer board and WP-919
		backplane with powersupplies.

	1	Western Peripherals DC-251 large		800.00
		capacity disk controller.

	1	CDC 9710 disk drive. 80 meg mini		1300.00
		module drive. SMD interface.

	1	Pertec T8640 tape drive. 45 ips			1800.00
		800/1600 bpi 

	2	GRC BP-84 backplanes with 5v @ 20amps		500.00
		+-12v @ 1.7amps. 8 quad or 16 dual slots

	100	Used Scotch Blackwatch 2400 ft. Mag Tape	10.00
		lucky if the were mounted 3 times.	

	100	Used Mixed Scotch Blackwatch and Scotch 700	5.00
		mag tape. 600 ft. reels.

	1	Centronics 761 printer				75.00

	1	Centronics 6080 printer. 600 lpm		2750.00
		3 years old very little use.

	3	Novation CAT 300 baud modems			45.00

	Interested parties please contact:

		Paul Lucchina
		Health Systems International
		100 Broadway
		New Haven, CT  06511
		(203) 562-2101
		1-800 HLTH-SYS