ra_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu (04/30/89)
Is there any formal mechanism by which Apple supports Mac user groups? I seem to recall reading somewhere that there were "official" user groups. I'm the Director of the University's Mac Developers Association, and we'd be especially interested in technical matters, e.g. 32 bit QD, etc. I've gotten some informal support from Mac DTS (sample source, etc) in the past. (As an aside, I must say that DTS was extremely helpful). What made me think of this was that in Michael Niehaus' posting of 32 bit QD details, it said that the Apple Color Disk (with 32 bit QD details) would be "...distributed free of charge in May to...user groups", among others. Could someone pass along whom I might contact to get information about "official" user group status? Robert ------ ra_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu ------ generic disclaimer: all my opinions are mine