moriarty@tc.fluke.COM (Jeff Meyer) (05/03/89)
Several of you may remember that I had some problems using Farallon's audio digitizer MacRecorder with my SEx last month, particularly when attempting to play stereo sound through either the SEx's speaker or through the stereo plug in the back. Well, Farallon kindly sent me a copy of SoundEdit 1.1 (the MacRecorder had come with 1.0), and everything works just great now. Have to compliment Farallon's customer service -- they're one of the better companies I've dealt with. SoundEdit 2.0 will be out in about a month, and I hear that it should be a pretty substantial upgrade; the changes between 1.0 and 1.1 assure me that Farallon has a good eye for improving the way their product works. The thing I enjoy the most about it is a moving "cursor" that shows exactly what part of the sound file is currently being played (one of SoundWave's better features). There's a 4:1 compression format (along with *another* sound format I've never heard of). They also produced a nice little booklet pointing out a few things that weren't spelled out in the 1.0 manual. For instance, to "downsample" a sound that has already been recorded (for instance, from 22kHz to 11kHz), you open a New window, change the sampling rate to 11kHz, copy the 22kHz sound, and then paste it into the new window, where it will be re-sampled at 11kHz. And they pointed out that setting the display units to "sample" is equivalent to displaying length in bytes (for mono uncompressed sound). That and the lack of the moving cursor were probably the two things that kept me thinking of returning to SoundWave, so I guess I'm on SoundEdit for good... A nice program, and worth the $$... MONDO VIDEO with Prof. Fred Hopkins: "SGT. PRESTON OF THE YUKON (Rhino). A middle-aged man who like to dress up in bright red uniforms and hang out with a team of Husky dogs mixes it up with mean, grizzled trappers in vintage TV episodes." --- Moriarty, aka Jeff Meyer INTERNET: moriarty@tc.fluke.COM Manual UUCP: {uw-beaver, sun, hplsla, thebes, microsoft}!fluke!moriarty CREDO: You gotta be Cruel to be Kind... <*> DISCLAIMER: Do what you want with me, but leave my employers alone! <*>