[comp.sys.mac] Yet another virus?

DR9021@UCSFVM.BITNET (05/12/89)

Date: 11 May 89, 15:57:40 PST
From: Donna Reynolds                                 DR9021   at UCSFVM
Subject:  Yet another virus?

The University of California, San Francisco Computer Center
currently is experiencing a rash of virus-like problems, in
particular when MacDraw is in use.  The problems have suddenly appeared
on three separate machines, each of which is running its own
registered copy of MacDraw.  We've run both Interferon and
Virus Rx against these machines, and neither reports any problems.
Still, problems exist.  We don't know at this time whether these
difficulties are virus-induced, but thought we'd query the net
to see if anyone else has experienced similar problems.  (We
are cross-posting this notice to comp.virus.)

We are experiencing the symptoms listed below.  Please note
this is a cumulative symptoms list.  No one machine currently is
exhibiting *all* symptoms.

Symptoms:  System Errors 02 and 03 when loading and printing from
             MacDraw I and II
           On restart, a file named "EIYBSKJTNX" appears in the
             folder containing the MacDraw application.
           MacDraw file creation times converted to garbage characters
           MacDraw program malfunctions - for example, when using
             text tool to select text, the block of text actually
             selected is not that (and is quite distant from) the
             text we were attempting to select.
           MacDraw screen displays incomplete - for example, the
             elevator bars are missing.
           System re-install fails until MacDraw deleted from the

To repeat, these problems have shown up on three separate machines
running three separate copies of MacDraw - all of which have been in
use for a minimum of six months.  Any suggestions?

Our most sincere thanks for your time and attention.

Donna Reynolds
Senior Editor
UCSF Computer Center

BITNET:    dr9021@ucsfvm
INTERNET:  dr9021@ucsfvm.ucsf.edu

richv@mtuxj.att.com (XMRK4-R.VIGLIANO) (05/12/89)

we had virus/like problems with macdraw and pyro

could that be your problem?

end message

pithy saying;  yeah, right.
signature;  crayons don't work here
fancy crappola; *************************************/*