[comp.sys.mac] GateKeeper survey

jalden@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Joshua M. Alden) (05/13/89)


    Some people may recall that I posted awhile back asking what
permissions different people needed to give GateKeeper, so that I could
compile a list for users here at Dartmouth College.

    I got 5 requests for the list, once I was done with it.

    I got 1 reply detailing permissions.

    Well, that's not much of a list.  So I thought that I would share a
few points here, and then make my request again.

    One of the main problems I've had with GateKeeper is that it wants
every project I have for Lightspeed Pascal 1.1 to be allocated
individually.  This is a pain, but I imagine that this will be fixed
when GateKeeper remembers settings by type rather than name.

    Another problem occurs with a local E-mail program called Blitzmail.
When you try to download an enclosure (a Mac file of some sort) from a
message, you get an error, and the download doesn't work.

    Those are two problems I can think of.  Now, here's the request
again: would people be so kind as to mail me (don't post) your
GateKeeper settings?  Please send mail to VIRUS.INFO@MAC.DARTMOUTH.EDU,
not the address in my signature.  Thank you.

    To Chris (GK's author):  when I have a list, you'll get it.

                                          -Josh Alden