[comp.sys.mac] A Quest for 256K SIMMS

pa2573@sdcc15.ucsd.edu (pa2573) (05/16/89)

	Although this is a simple and primitive Quest, it is a quest
nonetheless.  Being of sound body and mind, but unsound financially
I have decided upon a modest approach to upgrading my Mac II.  The
first step in this seemingly never ending struggle is to purchase 
(albeit cheaply) four 256K SIMMS to give me a modest total of only 
2 Megs.  I hereby request the aid of a " Memory Hog " who has
upgraded to 8 Megs and has their original 1 Meg of 256's laying
around collecting dust.  If you meet the above description, or know
of someone who does, PLEASE (and I emphasize the Please) help to
further the growth of not only myself but the entire Mac community
who will potentially benifit from a young budding Electrical Engineer
who is able to use all of his software. Anyones aid in this Quest
will be greatly appreciated, and noted by the Bhudda for future

	Please mail all responses to "pa2573@sdcc15.ucsd.edu" or