(Adam 'Velvis' Beguelin) (05/10/89)
I have around 60 400K mac disks that are now useless to me since I no longer have a mac. Is there anything worthwhile I can do with these disks? Please email you suggestions... Adam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adam Beguelin Computer Science Department Box 430 adamb@boulder.Colorado.Edu University of Colorado 303/492-7906 Boulder, CO 80309-430
chuq@Apple.COM (Chuq Von Rospach) (05/10/89)
>I have around 60 400K mac disks that are now useless to me >since I no longer have a mac. Is there anything worthwhile >I can do with these disks? No, no use at all. However, they need to be disposed of properly, so if you mail them to me, I'll make sure they're appropriated taken care of... They have been known to cause cancer in lab animals when placed under the skin of rats. chuq (uh, huh! really! honest!) Chuq Von Rospach =|= Editor,OtherRealms =|= Member SFWA/ASFA =|= CI$: 73317,635 =|= AppleLink: CHUQ [This is myself speaking. No company can control my thoughts.] Bookends. What a wonderful thought. (Gregory Sandell) (05/10/89)
In article <30373@apple.Apple.COM> chuq@Apple.COM (Chuq Von Rospach) writes: >>I have around 60 400K mac disks that are now useless to me >>since I no longer have a mac. Is there anything worthwhile >>I can do with these disks? > Try initializing them as 800k disks. It's been known to work now and then. (Joshua M. Alden) (05/10/89)
In article <8690@boulder.Colorado.EDU> (Adam 'Velvis' Beguelin) writes: >I have around 60 400K mac disks that are now useless to me >since I no longer have a mac. Is there anything worthwhile >I can do with these disks? Have you ever wanted to take a record and send it sailing? Well, disks make GREAT mini-frisbees. Take 'em into the local park with a few friends and play tag with 'em. Use 'em like shuriken (japanese throwing stars)! -Josh Alden (John F. Mansfield) (05/11/89)
>In article <8690@boulder.Colorado.EDU> (Adam 'Velvis' Beguelin) writes: >>I have around 60 400K mac disks that are now useless to me >>since I no longer have a mac. Is there anything worthwhile >>I can do with these disks? > ReFormat them as double sided. John Mansfield University of Michigan North Campus Electron Microbeam Analysis Laboratory 2455 Hayward, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2143. 313-936-3352 Internet: or (Mark H. Anbinder) (05/12/89)
In article <8690@boulder.Colorado.EDU> (Adam 'Velvis' Beguelin) writes: > >I have around 60 400K mac disks that are now useless to me >since I no longer have a mac. Is there anything worthwhile >I can do with these disks? There are several things you could do with your 400K disks. Other than the obvious, which I won't mention on a family network, you can: * use them as drink coasters * remove the round, floppy part from the casing to use as frisbees * use four stacks of 15 to raise your new computer's monitor to proper viewing level * place one in the mailbox of each grad student in your department to see what they do with them * give them to an IBM PS/2 user to confuse him/her * wallpaper seven and a half square feet of wall with them * glue them together and put them on a Mac user's desk to freak out him/her * glue each one individually onto a separate Mac user's desk to freak out him/her * test your Corning cookware's melting point with them inside (use resulting slag to fill cracks in your porcelain) * mail them to me as a joke * see if they will work in your compact disc player * mail them to John Sculley as a joke * toast them * mail them to IBM's CEO as a joke * use them as skeet-shooting targets * mail them to Mikhail Gorbachev as a joke * punch holes in them and initialize them all as high-density 1.4Mb diskettes, then give them to an FDHD disk drive user to watch his/her face when they all fail in two weeks * give them a decent burial * mail them to Tip Sheet, c/o MacUser Magazine, 950 Tower Lane, 18th floor, Foster City, CA 94404 (if they find a tip in any of them and publish it, you'll get $25) * give them a decent burial at sea * refuse to let a security inspector on an El Al flight look at them * save a copy of this e-mail message on each of them * throw them all away -- Mark H. Anbinder ** NG33 MVR Hall, Media Services Dept. ** THCY@CRNLVAX5.BITNET Cornell University H: (607) 257-7587 ******** Ithaca, NY 14853 W: (607) 255-1566 ******* Ego ipse custodies custudio
pasek@ncrcce.StPaul.NCR.COM (Michael A. Pasek) (05/12/89)
In article <> (John F. Mansfield) writes: >>In article <8690@boulder.Colorado.EDU> (Adam 'Velvis' Beguelin) writes: >>>I have around 60 400K mac disks that are now useless to me >>>since I no longer have a mac. Is there anything worthwhile >>>I can do with these disks? >> >ReFormat them as double sided. While this is possible, there is a VERY good reason not to do it.... The only difference between single- and double-sided diskettes is that the manufacturer has certified that BOTH sides of the double-sided are GOOD. In fact, it is entirely possible that a "single-sided" diskette is one that couldn't pass the manufacturer's tests on one of its sides. You may be able to format it double-sided, but I wouldn't count on it maintaining its data integrity very long......believe me, I speak from experience. M. A. Pasek Switching Software Development NCR Comten, Inc. (612) 638-7668 CNG Development 2700 N. Snelling Ave. pasek@c10sd3.StPaul.NCR.COM Roseville, MN 55113
carl@aoa.UUCP (Carl Witthoft) (05/16/89)
>In article <8690@boulder.Colorado.EDU> (Adam 'Velvis' Beguelin) writes: >>I have around 60 400K mac disks that are now useless to me >>since I no longer have a mac. Is there anything worthwhile >>I can do with these disks? Yes: send them to me!!! I know "everybody" uses 800k these days, but for free, the 400k are just fine for archiving various small projects and subfolders. And, golly :=), it ain't that much more work to backup to 400k's than to 800k's. Mail to address below. Thanx -- Alix' Dad ( Carl Witthoft @ Adaptive Optics Associates) " Axis-navigo, ergo sum." {harvard,ima}!bbn!aoa!carl 54 CambridgePark Drive, Cambridge,MA 02140 617-864-0201 "disclaimer? I'm not a doctor, but I do have a Master's Degree in Science!"