Anyone out there have experience with MIPS machines as Mac file servers? MIPS has produced its own Mac environ. software called Ushare. It looks great on paper.....terrific speed etc. Works over ethernet or localtalk set ups. Bill Smith (
dce@Solbourne.COM (David Elliott) (05/15/89)
In article <> writes: >Anyone out there have experience with MIPS machines as Mac file servers? >MIPS has produced its own Mac environ. software called Ushare. It looks >great on paper.....terrific speed etc. Works over ethernet or localtalk >set ups. UShare is actually from IPT (Information Presentation Technologies), who have a new product (or maybe a new version of UShare) that provides peer-to-peer networking services for Macs. Alexis Rosen has said that he will review the new software soon. The UShare package provides a number of services. * It provides AppleShare volumes mounting services. That is, you can mount a directory on a Unix machine and use it as any other AppleShare volume, with the added advantage of the Unix machine running NFS. * It provides two-way printing services; you can print to your Unix printers from a Mac, or to your Mac printer from Unix. * It provides a DA interface to Unix mail. * It provides a system administration interface on the Mac for the Unix machine (using MacWorkstation). * There is a terminal emulator. At one time, this was a simple text interface, though a port of NCSA Telnet was being done back in December. * It provides a way to switch-launch using a Unix "virtual disk". This means that you can boot from a floppy and run from the Unix machine; no hard disk necessary. One advantage that MIPS has is that you can plug an IPT localtalk board into an M/120 AT-bus slot and have LocalTalk available for your non-ethernet machines without the added cost of a Kinetics box. With ethernet, your disk speed is faster than most hard disks are capable of. Another is that there is software that has been ported to the MIPS platform that is front-ended by the Mac. This gives you the advantage of a very fast compute server I worked on this project last fall, but have been away from MIPS for long enough that I'm no longer in touch with the product. For more information, contact Jim Mannos at MIPS or contact IPT directly. -- David Elliott dce@Solbourne.COM ...!{boulder,nbires,sun}!stan!dce
alexis@ccnysci.UUCP (Alexis Rosen) (05/22/89)
In article <> writes: >Anyone out there have experience with MIPS machines as Mac file servers? >MIPS has produced its own Mac environ. software called Ushare. It looks >great on paper.....terrific speed etc. Works over ethernet or localtalk >set ups. David Elliot gave a very good answer to this question, saying that the software is actually produced by IPT, and describing its features. The one thing that I would add is that IPT actually uses a MIPS machine in- house as a file server, so it must work well enough... If you have specific questions you should call them. Their telephone number is (818) 347-7791 and they have an email address (which I have not yet tested): --- Alexis Rosen alexis@ccnysci.{uucp,bitnet} (last resort)