(Pablo Fernicola) (05/30/89)
In response to the posting by >I was thinking of upgrading to a SEx also, but the prices are outrageous! >I have in front of me the State Price List (student prices are a little bit >higher). The difference in price between a SE and a SEx is $1022.00. >The upgrade price is 1939.00 (logic board) and 349.00 (disk drive), for a >grand total of $2288.00. I'm not sure if that includes installation. If >it doesn't, the total should go up to ~2500.00. I don't think that Apple has noticed that the price of Unix workstations is going down (and for that matter DOS machines) and that Unix software is getting better (also read friendlier, with the introduction of the X Windows standard). I am not so sure now that buying a Mac IIcx or x will be such a good deal as soon as next year. Why not have a "Mac attack", lower the price of the Plus and basic SE to the price of IBM clones, and lower the price of the IIs to a more reasonable level. You can price at whatever the market will bear, but when the market dumps you, it becomes very hard to regain your market share (specially if what you are offering is not unique anymore). -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pablo Fernicola ( or Machine Intelligence Laboratory - University of Florida Standard disclaimer, with system 7.0 extensions, applies. "They get a little bit better, they get a little bit worse. They get a little bit better, they get a little bit slow." SuperPaint2.0 and Microsoft Word 4.0 -- Pablo Fernicola - Machine Intelligence Laboratory - UF THIS IS THE STANDARD DISCLAIMER THAT EVERYBODY TALKS ABOUT. The above mentioned computer user has no knowledge whatsoever of what he is talking about, nor does he have my backing. Signed: The user's employer.
peter@aucs.UUCP (Peter Steele) (05/30/89)
> Why not have a "Mac attack", lower the price of the Plus and basic SE > to the price of IBM clones, and lower the price of the IIs to a more > reasonable level. I know at Acadia, there would be a literal flood of Mac purchases if the prices went down. Almost every department wants a Mac, but when it comes to the time to buy a micro for a department, price is the winner (i.e., PC clones). We're making small inroads lately, very small, and a price decrease could really turn the tide on PC clones. -- Peter Steele, Microcomputer Applications Analyst Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, Canada B0P1X0 (902)542-2201x121 UUCP: {uunet|watmath|utai|garfield}!dalcs!aucs!Peter BITNET: Peter@Acadia Internet: Peter%Acadia.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU -- Peter Steele, Microcomputer Applications Analyst Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, Canada B0P1X0 (902)542-2201x121 UUCP: {uunet|watmath|utai|garfield}!dalcs!aucs!Peter BITNET: Peter@Acadia Internet: Peter%Acadia.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU