[comp.sys.mac] Finding screen size

t-chrisk@microsoft.UUCP (Christopher Kinsmen) (05/31/89)

I am looking for a way to find the size of the screen from a toolbox call.
Someone suggested portbits^.bounds but I believe this returns the size of
the Grafport it is associated with not the full screen. Thanks.

Chris Kinsmna

ksitze@nmsu.edu (Kevin Sitze) (06/02/89)

To locate the size of the screen from an application, use the bounds
field of screenBits.  If you want to find the size of the screen in a
DA, create and open a port and then use portBits.bounds in the port.

| From the Macintosh of: Kevin L. Sitze. This is ME: ksitze@NMSU.edu |
| The difference between intelligence and stupidity is |   Is this   |
| that intelligence has a limit.          -- anonymous |   better?   |