[comp.sys.mac] Public Domain: NCSA Layout 1.1

rheintz@zaphod.ncsa.uiuc.edu (06/07/89)

NCSA Layout 1.1 for the color Macintosh is public domain software.

NCSA Layout helps you convey the results of your investigations and 
analyses to your colleagues in a professional form. It 
allows you to display and annotate 2D data images so that 
you can photograph your Macintosh screen display and 
generate 35mm presentation-quality slides. Your layout 
may include several images annotated with grid lines and 
tick marks, text, color bars that display the range of the 
current palette, and a colored canvas. By loading user-
defined color palettes into NCSA Layout, you may vary the 
appearance of the images, and the color of your text and 
canvas. You can save a layout as an HDF file that may be 
edited at a later date; or you can save any part of a layout as 
a raster image that may be transferred to other machines 
that support HDF for photographing, animation, or display.

New features inlcude:
1) Lots of copy and paste options.
2) Loading and saving PICT files.
3) Loading Raw ASCII Images.
4) Online help facility.

How to obtain a copy:

1) From a friend

The documentation and program are in the public domain.  You 
may use, copy, and distribute it for free.

2) Anonymous FTP from ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu (

The files are in a subdirectory of ftp called Layout.  First download 
the README.LAYOUT (which is in the Layout directory).  This file 
provides complete information on how to download the rest of the 

3) Diskette or Tape

NCSA software and manuals are available for purchase-
either individually or as part of the anonymous FTP reel or 
cartridge tapesQthrough the NCSA Technical Resources 
Catalog. Orders can only be processed if accompanied by a 
check in U.S. dollars made out to the University of Illinois. 
To obtain a catalog, contact:

NCSA Documentation Orders
152 Computing Applications Building
605 East Springfield Avenue
Champaign,  IL  61820
(217) 244-0072

Hardware requirements:
	Color Macintosh
	8-bit color board and high resolution color monitor.
	Hardware tested on Macintosh II and Macintosh IIx
	It will run on 1 meg but 2 megs are needed for MultiFinder.

Electronic Mailing List

To be added to the list of recipients or to post messages to the list, 
send email to softdev@ncsa.uiuc.edu.  In addition to posted messages
you will receive update notification, bug reports, and beta test notification.