[comp.sys.mac] Info needed on 40 meg drive for SE.

andris@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (73514000) (06/08/89)

I am about to purchase a 40 meg hard drive for my SE.  It presently has 2
internal floppy drives.  I am wondering if there is any drive available for
the SE that will allow me to keep both drives. Regardless, what are some good

Thank you all.

David.Bolduc@f54.n382.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Bolduc) (06/13/89)

CMS has one that rear mounts, so you can keep both floppy drives, but it
seems to have reliability problems (mine just crashed for the second time
in 7 months.

David Bolduc  via cmhGate - Net 226 fido<=>uucp gateway Col, OH
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