[comp.sys.mac] Theldrow - the future

gandreas@umn-d-ub.D.UMN.EDU (Glenn Andreas) (06/29/89)

Since I got a job, and will lose USENET access (probably by the time you
read this),  I thought I'd let everyone know about the future of Theldrow.

First the good news:
There will be another version, as well as the second (and later third)
scenario.  It will be a major rewrite, and include (hopefully) all the
following features:

	Color (though this assumes I buy a color mac by then...)
	Lots more spells, including different spells for different
	Personalities for various other characters you might meet
	Everything in one big window
	Dragging objects around as objects
	Objects not limited to the size of an icon
	Objects will "sit" on the view window section, where you can drag
		them off, etc...
	Monster will be handled similarly
	An icon bar containing commands that you can use at that time
		(so no pick lock shows up if there are no locked doors...)
	A scrolling text window for messages, descriptions, etc...
	A new on-line help system (like TeachText, but with styles)

And many other neat and fun surprises.

The bad news:
It won't be out until at least the fall, maybe winter.  It should be out
before the end of the year, however.  It should be free, unless some
software house wants to offer me tons of money.

As for the development system, well, let's just leave that at "No comment"

If you need to get a hold of me, I'm moving from Duluth to Oceanside, CA,
so call information (but not until the middle of July - who knows when I'll
get a phone hooked up...)

= "Whether you like it, or don't like it, sit   | - gandreas@ub.d.umn.edu - =
=  back and take a look at it, because it's the |   (but not for long :-(   =
=  best going today!  WOOOOoooo!" - Ric Flair   |    Glenn Andreas          =