davew@hp-ptp.HP.COM (Dave_Waller) (06/29/89)
The new Deskjet is a Mac-compatible inkjet printer that prints at 300 dpi with very good results. With the additional $395 font cartridge it has the same capabilities as the Apple LaserWriter NTX, for quite a bit less money. I know I work at HP, but this isn't a plug for the product-- I've seen the output, and it really is crisp, clean, and of laser quality. Dave Waller Hewlett-Packard Co. Workstation Group Pacific Technology Park 1266 Kifer Rd. Sunnyvale, CA (408) 746-5324 [ucbvax!]hplabs!hpdstma!dave | dave@hpdstma.ptp.hp.com +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Standard disclaimer: | | The opinions expressed above are solely my own, and in no way reflect those | | of my employer. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+