[comp.sys.mac] Seeking ResEdit

parnes@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Gary Parnes) (07/12/89)

I was looking around the archives for ResEdit v1.2 or better.  I seem to
remember seeing them everywhere a couple of months ago.

Now I can't seem to find it anywhere.  What's the story?

BTW, thanks to all of those people out there who gave me advice about
modems and C compilers.  I've purchased both now.  I need the 1.2 version
of ResEdit so I can follow the Programmer's Primer more easily..


| "You're obviously misinformed... everything  |  Gary Parnes		      |
|  EAST of the San Andreas Fault is going to   |  Computer Science Engineer   |
|  fall into the ATLANTIC Ocean."              |  University of Pennsylvania  |
|   *** parnes@eniac.seas.upenn.edu ***        |  *NOT* Penn State, Dammit!   |