[comp.sys.mac] net bitch - part 1 of 2

holla@gt-eedsp.gatech.edu (Craig Hollabaugh) (07/20/89)

comments from a frustrated net reader.

i have been reading the net news for about 2 months. Has it
always been this busy? 50 - 60 messages daily = an hour. i wonder
about the number of somewhat wasted work hours spent reading the 
news not to mention the costs of shipping the news everywhere. don't
get me wrong, i like reading the news and i respond to questions
if i think that i can help someone out.

things i'm getting tired of.

  part 1 of 2

  long signature files. come on, 3 lines should be enough

  all these replies to the net. if possible reply to person.
  all this cmd k, cmd f, is/was getting out of hand.
  "i have this and this and this and when i go to boot i 
  get a system error." please do a little more goofing around
  before jumping on the net to post your problem.

  if your problem takes several paragraphs to explain, then it
  is probably a very isolated problem.  hardware/software
  technical support from the company is a much better alternative.

  software costs money. quit wishing/bitching about free software.

  when you read the news, copy info from netters who know whats going
  on. when a problem comes up, address your questions to them.

  what really gets me going is "i don't read the news regularly,so ..."
  quite often if these people would read the news they would know the
  answers. after all this discussion about generating postscript, someone
  writes in about "i hear it is possible to generate ps with some type
  of key sequence." aaargh, here we go again.

please read both parts before replying. 