jdsb@occrsh.ATT.COM (John_Babcock) (07/20/89)
Could someone help me locate Jon Pugh, author of Randomizer? I would like to get a new version of Randomizer if there is one. I'm using the one created Oct. 3, 1986 with a size of 11,039. WHAT RANDOMIZER IS: Randomizer is an init that changes the StartUpScreen each time you boot, selecting the next file from a special folder. It also changes the StartUpSound ("Gooooood Morning Vietnam!!!!") and Beep ("I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"). Parenthesis are some that I like to use, not limitations of Randomizer. MY PROBLEM: After about 5 boots, either StartUpSound or BeepSound gets corrupted. Thereafter, the system bombs on each boot as it hits the sound. I use Aask Init to deactivate Randomizer temporarily and replace those two sounds and then Randomizer works for 5 to 6 more boots. MY SYSTEM: Mac SE, 6.0.2, 1M, ask, heirDA, SFscroll, GateKeeper, SuperSpool others I cannot remember. Thanks to anyone who has information! ____________________________________________________________________________ * John Babcock att!occrsh!jdsb * AT&T Network Systems jdsb@occrsh.att.com * Oklahoma City, OK Disclaimer: I speak on my own, not as AT&T.