[comp.sys.mac] CLARIS

d6maca@dtek.chalmers.se. (Martin Carlberg) (07/24/89)

I have CLARIS MacDraw and it's a good program. BUT there are some
features !??! that I don't like:

1. They store the meny setup as menuresources in the document! When I make
a drawing in an U.S. version and pass it over to some with a Swedish version
they get some menys in Swedish and some in English. CLARIS should check
settings from the document and use menys from the program instead of using
menys directly from the document.

I guess they never been outside U.S.

2. I can't draw a polygon in MacDraw and countine (after cut and paste) to
change the poly in
some other drawprogram like Apple-draw (DA). CLARIS has a strange way of
saving polys in PICT-format. They have two polys, one for fillpattern and
one for penpattern and pensize etc. Why I don't know!!

3. This is on polys too. I draw a poly very carefully in full zoomup
and places it beside another poly so they have one line shared. The two
lines looks like it was only one. Now I do a cut and puts it in another
program and the polys are no longer perfect as they where in MacDraw.
I know that MacDraw looses some information if I convert it to PICT but
when two lines are over another they should stay like that.

 - Martin Carlberg