[comp.sys.mac] Looking for Logger

dhom@cosmos.acs.calpoly.edu (David Hom) (07/27/89)

I recently heard of a shareware cdev/da/init? called Logger that 
logs all activity on your Mac to a text file. Perfect for documenting
and tracking which applications get the most use in an open lab
situation.  I tried looking at sumex, but couldn't find it.  If someone
knows where I could get a copy for review or if someone could mail it to
me, it would be great.



jness@umn-d-ub.D.UMN.EDU (Joel Ness) (07/29/89)

I'm also interested in info on Logger. If you know where I can get it,
please let me know.

Joel Ness			       		INTERNET: jness@ub.d.umn.edu
Information Services		        	BITNET:  JNESS@UMNDUL
University of Minnesota, Duluth