[comp.sys.mac] A Small Screen Font

proctor@cme.nbs.gov (Fred Proctor) (08/01/89)

Does anyone know how to add a screen font size? I'm writing a paper using
Palatino 10-point for the body and Palatino 9-point for the references.  It
looks fine when it prints on the LaserWriter, but since the Apple-supplied
screen font only goes down to 10-point, I get this bulky, annoying bit
extrapolation.  Since Palatino looks like Times,and Times has a 9-point
screen definition, I tried copying the Times 9-point definition into the
Palatino fonts using ResEdit, thinking that I wouldn't be able to tell the
diffence on the screen anyway and the LaserWriter would know to scale
Palatino down to 9 just as it did before.  Boy, did my Mac bomb.
Everywhere--from Key Caps, MacWrite II, and every other application or DA
that I asked to reference Palatino.  I thought I was so clever--what's
the scoop?

:  "I'm from the     :     Fred Proctor
:   Government, and  :     NIST, Bldg. 220 Rm. B127
:   I'm here to      :     Gaithersburg, MD 20899
:   help you."       :     proctor@cme.nist.gov
:....................:     uunet!cme-durer!proctor