[comp.sys.mac] What modem program supports ANSI graphics?

parnes@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (Gary Parnes) (08/10/89)

A lot of the local BBS's in my area tend to cater to IBM terminals more
than Mac terminals.  Since it's a breeze for IBM'ers to use ANSI graphics
(just loading ansi.sys in their startup), BBS's tend to exploit this 

However, on my Mac with the few modem programs I have, the ANSI graphics
look simply awful.  What program out there best emulates ANSI graphics?

Red Ryder's compuserve graphics didn't quite do the job...


| "You're obviously misinformed... everything  |  Gary Parnes		      |
|  EAST of the San Andreas Fault is going to   |  Computer Science Engineer   |
|  fall into the ATLANTIC Ocean."              |  University of Pennsylvania  |
|   *** parnes@eniac.seas.upenn.edu ***        |  *NOT* Penn State, Dammit!   |