[comp.sys.mac] guide to using the wsmr-simtel20.army.mil via FTP

malis@bbn.com (Andy Malis) (08/05/89)

I picked up the following file from simtel20, explaining how to
use their Macintosh archive.





There is a colossal amount of free public domain software for
the CP/M, PCDOS/MSDOS, MACINTOSH and UNIX operating systems,
and for the DoD standard programming language, Ada, in 
several archives on WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL, a DECsystem-20 
running the TOPS-20 operating system at White Sands Missile 
Range, NM.

You can obtain these files using the InterNet file transfer
protocol, FTP.  Throughout, FTP examples are given in a GENERIC
syntax. You will have to consult either local documentation 
or your friendly system wizard to learn the actual syntax used
with your local mainframe operating system. For the sake of 
brevity, the domain suffix ".ARMY.MIL" will be dropped from 
further references to WSMR-SIMTEL20 in this document.

To obtain directory listings, connect to WSMR-SIMTEL20 
via FTP and do this:

Type at the prompt: FTP> get PD3:<macintosh>macintosh.crclst 
A copy of the list will be sent to your host computer.


dir PD3:<macintosh>*  <-- displays a listing of the sub-directories 

A listing of current sub directories is provided below. This list
will from time to time be updated due to the changes brought about 
by the Mac.

PD3:<MACINTOSH.sub directory>
where sub directory = one of the following

.APPL ........ Applications
.CDEV ........ CDEV's 
.CODE ........ Programming source code (except UNIX)
.COMM ........ Communication Applications and Utilities
.DA   ........ Desk Accessories
.DEMO ........ Demonstrations of new software
.DOC ......... Documentation for apps NOT in archives
.ED .......... Education
.FKEY ........ FKeys
.FONTS ....... Fonts for ImageWriter I and II
.HC .......... All HyperCard stacks and XCMDS etc.
.INIT ........ INIT's
.LANG ........ Programming Languages and utilities
.MACII ....... Macintosh II specific apps
.MACTN ....... Macintosh Tech Notes (From Apple)
.NEWS ........ Macintosh news items
.PATCHES ..... Small "fixes" by the software developer 
.PICT ........ Pictures
.REVIEW ...... Software reviews
.SOUNDS ...... Music, sounds, and utilities
.TECH ........ General technical information
.UNIX ........ UNIX programs and utilities
.UTIL ........ Misc. Utilities
.UTILDSK ..... Disk Utilities, Fast formatters, etc.
.UTILFIL ..... File Utilities
.UTILPRN...... Printer Utilities
.VIRUS ....... Anti-Virus detectors and killers (we hope)

Sub-directories have a file labeled "00README.TXT".  It will help you 
to take the time to read this file.  You may have to do this on line 
with the "TYPE" [filename] command or you may use the "GET" [filename]
command and read the doc on your host computer or PC.  It describes
files listed in that sub directory.  This file is Tab delimited so you
can use a data base program to input the data for easy retrieval, if
you wish.

 *** PLEASE NOTE *** 

Due to the large number of files available, the archives maintainers 
CANNOT possibly attempt to validate the proper operation of the various 
programs.  When a program bug is reported, immediate action is taken to 
either correct the error or remove the offending program from the archives.  
Still, users must understand that all archives programs are offered 
When testing ANY new software, be certain that all information stored on 
disk is backed-up before you start, so that you can recover if files are 
damaged or erased.  This is particularly true if you have a hard disk, in 
which case malfunctions can be spectacularly disastrous. If you have any 
doubt about any software you *ever* receive, run it from floppy disks and
use the applications found in PD3:<MACINTOSH.VIRUS>.  They can only check 
for KNOWN virus, but they are better than doing nothing!


Files are stored in four formats:

. ASCII, UNCOMPRESSED, with an extension of:
[filename].TXT..... for use with 00README files

. BINARY, COMPRESSED, with the following extensions.
[filename].DOC..... for all doc's not with an application
[filename].SIT..... for all applications, utilities,etc.

. BINARY,GIFFER, with an extension of:
[filename].GIF..... for use with GIFFER Pictures

.BINARY, with an extension of:
[filename].BIN.... for some "bootstrap" programs 

The only time you will find  [filename].TXT use in the PD3:<MACINTOSH.*> 
area is for the 00README.TXT file which is in each sub directory. This 
file is a one line explanation of the files contained in that area. 
The format is generally: [filename].ext TAB {date, description}.

The [filename].GIF extension is for the pictures that are stored in 
the more or less standard format of "GIFFER". IBM or compatibilities 
can access and display these files by simply removing the 128 byte 
header on each picture.

All Binary data are stored as four 8-bit Bytes per 36-bit SIMTEL20 word, 
with the low-order four bits of each word filled with zeros.  If such a 
file is interpreted as a contiguous string, as will happen if a straight 
binary transfer is made to a 16 or 32 bit UNIX machine, the four zero 
filler bits per 36 bit group will cause rather bizarre results.

The [filename].BIN extension is for a limited number of programs you 
may need to "get started" in your downloading.  As an example: Since 
most of the files on the SIMTEL20 are in the .SIT format the program 
to un-Stuff the files is in a form whereby all you have to do is FTP 
the file to your Host computer in BINARY.  Please make sure you under-
stand how to do this. See the section "File Transfer via FTP for more 
details.  After you have FTP'ed the file you can download it to your 
Mac with any program that supports MacBinary downloading.  After the 
download is completed you can just double click on the filename icon 
and you will be in the application and working.


Files are named using no more than 14 characters before the "." with up 
to 3 characters for the extension. Since many times the real name, reduced 
to 14 characters would have little or no meaning to you nor myself I have 
taken the liberty of putting a Header on the file and a number. You will 
find this method a little surprising but it really does make sense. The 
MACTN, and CODE sub directories are set up exclusively this way.
A couple of examples might be helpful:

TN024-NEW0888 This shows the TechNote number and the date published 
but not the title of the TechNote. The 00README file 
in the MACTN sub directory will have the title.

TN025-REV0888 This shows the TechNote number and the date Revised by 
Apple. Again the title is not shown as the 00README 
file will have the title.

ASM-nnnnDenotes Assembly Code. 
BAS-nnnnDenotes BASIC Source Code
C-nnnnDenotes "C" Source Code
CSHAR-nnnnDenotes related "C" files
P-nnnnDenotes Pascal Source Code
PSHAR-nnnnDenotes related Pascal files
RAS-nnnnDenotes Rascal Source Code
RMKR-nnnnDenotes RMaker Source Code
XLISP-nnnn   Denotes Xlisp Source Code
XSHAR-nnnnDenotes related Xlisp Code


FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, a formalized procedure for
moving files among machines on the Defense Data Network (DDN) and
other networks that connect with the DDN.  The protocol is implemented
by a program often called FTP.  The different mainframe operating
systems implement FTP with variations in command syntax.  Some systems
have the remote-file-name precede the local-file-name in the command.
Others reverse this order. Some versions have the whole command on a
single input line, while others use multiple lines.  Read the
documentation for your local system, or consult a friendly local
system wizard for the details of your FTP command syntax.

UNIX users can do something like "man ftp" for on-line instructions.
However, not all UNIX FTP programs are called "FTP", so you may have
to snoop around in the system directories or ask a system wizard for
the correct local name to use with the "man" command. ITS users can do
":INFO FTP". "HELP FTP" works on TOPS-20 and some other operating

FTP transfers from SIMTEL20 can be made with user-name "anonymous."
Use GUEST for the password.  For anonymous logins, SIMTEL20 supports
the FTP "change working directory" command.  (Your local syntax may be
something like CD, or CWD). *(Ignore the message which may appear that
prompts you to enter a password.)* This command allows you to specify
a default SIMTEL20 directory to be used for file retrievals, and
thereby relieves you from having to repeatedly type
"PD3:<macintosh.directory name>" as part of each filename.  For
example, you can do something like this:

FTP>cd PD3:<macintosh.goodstuff>
FTP>get filename-1
FTP>get filename-2
  ...and so on
instead of using the longer filename forms shown in previous examples.

Users of TOPS-10, TENEX, TOPS-20 or ITS systems can use "image" or
"paged" mode for ALL transfers.  UNIX users must use "ascii" mode for
ASCII files, and "type tenex" or "type L 8" mode for binary files.
MULTICS users can use "ascii" mode for ASCII files, but binary files
require special treatment.  VMS also requires a special setting.
Instead of using "BGET" type "Quote Type L-8 and use "GET" *NOT*
"BGET" which is many many cases does not work correctly.

The following example provided by Lee Choquetteu-<ichoqu@ug.utah.edu.>:
shows FTP'ing from a UNIX host.


Lines with "!" are typed by the terminal user.

 WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL FTP Server process 5Z(50)-7 at Thu 4-xxx-88
!_name (WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL:u-lchoqu): anonymous
 ANONYMOUS user ok, send real ident as password.
 User ANONYMOUS logged in at Thu 4-xxx-88 17:15-MDT, job 10.
 Default name accepted. Send password to connect to it.
!_(carriage return)
ftp>!_tenex (or type l 8) <-- NOTE: That's lower-case "L"8.
 Type L bytesize 8 ok.
ftp>!_get TN40-786 tn40
 Port 17.176 at host accepted
 Retrieve of PD3:<MACINTOSH.MACTN>TN40-786..1   started.
 Transfer completed. 4480 (8) bytes transferred
local: tn40 remote: tn40-786
 bytes received in 4.3 seconds  (1kbytes/s)
ftp> get TN69-386 AND SO ON.
ftp>!_bye or quit
 QUIT command received. Goodbye.
 ug>!_kermit -ix

C-Kermit server starting. Return to your local machine by typing  its 
escape sequence for closing the connection, and issue further commands 
from there.  To shut down the C-Kermit server, issue the FINISH or BYE 
command and then reconnect.

The received files are stored with one 8-bit byte per 9-bit word.

After starting up the UNIX Kermit with -i (binary), and -x (server),
set your Macintosh Kermit's File Defaults to Mode: Binary and Fork:
Data and do Get File TN*

After downloading, run the file/s through STUFFIT and uncompress as


Because the public domain archives on SIMTEL20 consume a huge amount
of disk space, storage capacity must be conserved by the greatest
practical use of compressed files, which are stored in binary format.
If you cannot properly transfer binary files, you are going to be VERY
FRUSTRATED!  If you need help, please contact your local system wizard
and provide him/her with a copy of these doc's. Having done that, if
you are still unable to make things work correctly, have your system
wizard send a message to: RTHUM@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL and I will try
to help.  Please have them provide the following information:

. Machine and system  (e.g., VAX-11/780, 4.2 BSD UNIX)
. Network software in use  (e.g., 3-Com UNET)
. Complete list of available FTP commands  (e.g., GET, PUT)


With the wide and varied types of mainframes and micros and with so
many many different terminal programs, your best approach for
downloading to your micro will be to contact your local system guru,
who will is better equipped to help solve your local problems.


An excellent program for transferring files between micros, or between
micros and mainframes is called RedRyderxxx where the xxx is replaced
by digits to give the version number. This program can use one of
several different protocols to facilitate file transfers. Not only is
Christensen Protocol supported but the more popular error checking,
called CRC (for Cyclic Redundancy Check) is the automatic default.
This simply means RR will automatically ask the mainframe if it
supports CRC error checking, if it says no, RR will switch.  Xmodem
protocol and Kermit in RedRyder, are two ways to download the file
from your host computer to your Macintosh.  The only thing you will
notice is a slight pause before starting the file transfer.  Kermit has
the advantage of being available for an impressively large number of
mainframes and micros. Universities most notably use Kermit.


Kermit has several versions.  You WILL have problems if you do not
have Mac Kermit Version 0.9 (40) or greater.


Suggestions for additions, improvements and corrections to this message
are always welcome. Please send them to RTHUM@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL.

Contributions of public domain software are actively solicited.  If you
have something that seems appropriate for inclusion in the <MACINTOSH>
archives please contact RTHUM@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL

     Happy MAC'ing!
Robert Thum
rthum@WSMR-SIMTEL20.ARMY.MIL  *best*
rthum@WSMR-EMH10.ARMY.MIL     *if you must*

Andy Malis <malis@bbn.com>    UUCP: {harvard,rutgers,uunet}!bbn!malis

name@portia.Stanford.EDU (tony cooper) (08/05/89)

If you have a Macintosh connected to the net and want to use FTP to
download files from simtel20 you may have problems if your version
of FTP does not support tenex (or L 8 ) mode. Eg SU MAC/IP does not
have tenex mode and maybe BYU Telnet does not either. It is necessary
to use tenex mode since simtel20 has nine bit bytes wheras the Mac
has 8 bit bytes.

You can do the following:

1) Tell the simtel20 FTP server to go into tenex mode. This is done by
sending the literal string "type L 8" to the simtel20 server. How to do
this depends on your FTP program but in SU MAC/IP there is a menu item
to do this. This works because then simtel20 send the file in tenex mode
even though you are receiving in ordinary binary mode.

If you can't do that then you can:

2) Use binary mode to download the program then convert the file into
the 8 bit mode when it is on the Mac. This is easy - I wrote a simple
program to do it. I'll send anyone a copy if they need it. Note that
after the conversion the file still has a Macbinary header in front.
Use binhex 5.0 or an equivalent program to fix this.

If you can't do that then:

3) Go through a UNIX machine to do it. NCSA Telnet users have to do this
anyway. It beats me why NCSA Telnet only has an FTP server, not a client.
It makes the program useless for anonymous FTP's.

Tony Cooper

Disclaimer. Half of the above is not true. The rest is false.

u8707175@uowcsa.cs.uow.oz (u8707175) (08/11/89)

Here I am at uni of wollongong drooling madly over the list
of things that are availiable via ftp. Unfortunately I have
no access to an ftp line to america. Is there anything that
can be done to get some at least of the more useful/interesting
things such as: APPL
	imported to australia, even a bit at a time?

		cin / sinsir / sinceer / nicely
				Michael Rutherfurd