kmarko@hpdml93.HP.COM (Kurt Marko) (08/15/89)
Now that Plus (the SuperCard-like HyperCard "clone" [I don't mean this to be pejoritive] published by Olduvai) is out, I'd like to hear some opinions, comments, reviews of it before I spring. Note, I understand that MacConnection had Plus at MacWorld last week and should have it in stock for mail order later this week ($115). How does it compare to SuperCard (both in richness of features and performance [or lack thereof])? What is the mechanism for utilizing existing HyperCard stacks? Does it have an 'import' command (like SC), can it open them directly? Is it a complete implementation of HyperTalk; does it have language extensions (are we going to end up with three 'versions' of HyperTalk)? Does it support XCMDs and XFCNs? How is the documentation? Are the features, language fully described? Any other general comments are welcome. Thanks in advance. Kurt Marko ...hplabs!hpdml93!kmarko Disclaimer: HP doesn't even know I use Hyper/SuperCard.