[comp.sys.mac] Hard disks for sale.

chris@ziebmef.mef.org (Chris Graham) (08/20/89)

  A friend of mine has three Maxtor XT-3280s to sell.  They're 280 Mb
SCSI hard disks with  28ms access time & a 1.5 Megabyte/sec transfer rate.
He'll take $2500 for one or $2250 if you buy two.  By the way, they're
brand new and guaranteed for a year.
  If interested, call Don Holtz at 731-9382 or 889-8891.  He can also
be reached by the following email addresses:
                uucp: don@holtz || don@graham
              BITnet: lsuc!graham!don@utorgpu
             FidoNet: Do ON 250/716