abbott@dean.Berkeley.EDU (+Mark Abbott) (05/17/88)
xx I've heard that one of the new Apple laser printers will print envelopes. Anybody have any experience with this? Does it actually work? Please mail to me and I'll summarize. Mark Abbott {ihnp4, decwrl, sun, hplabs}!ucbvax!dean!abbott
hallett@gemed (Jeff Hallett x4-6328) (08/31/89)
Hi there. I just read a review of envelope-printing programs in MacWorld (Sep '89). However, the review didn't mention what I'm most interested in: having mail-merge capability. My wish-list for such a program would be: 1. Exists as a Desk Accessory. 2. Will print standard small and business size envelopes. 3. Maintain return address 4. Read a Word-style mail merge file (and remember the data file without having to be told every time). 5. Work on both a LaserWriter and Imagewriter II. My goal is to create a form letter, print it with Mail-Merge (or Mail-Munge depending on the luck you have :^). Then, print the envelopes using the same file. I don't mind if the program looks for specific field names. I realize that I can make Word document to simulate printing envelopes, and, in fact, I have done so for the LaserWriter. However, something like this would be much more convenient and less trial-and-error to get the spacing right. Thanks for pointers. -- Jeffrey A. Hallett, PET Software Engineering GE Medical Systems, W641, PO Box 414 Milwaukee, WI 53201 (414) 548-5163 : EMAIL -