s_trautwein@iravcl.ira.uka.de (08/31/89)
Are there printer drivers in the public domain ? I own a LISA running Mac Works Plus so it is Mac+ compatible. The other part I own is a excelent printer: the Seikosha BP4250. The printer is EPSON compatible but faster, more reliable and can work with higher resolutions. The only problem is: I don't have a printer driver. (except Laserwriter/Imagewriter which obviously don't work). Who knows of public domain printer drivers for EPSON or Seikosha printers ? Thanks in advance -- Christoph Trautwein
barry@wolman1.prime.com (09/01/89)
GDT Softworks and Phoenix Technologies both market printer drivers that
can handle printers compatible with the Epson FX and LQ series. Price
is about $50-70. Not exactly public domain, but not outrageous, either.
I'm not aware of any public domain drivers for dot matrix printers.
Barry Wolman | barry@s66.prime.com
Principal Technical Consultant | 492 Old Connecticut Path
Prime Computer | Framingham, MA 01701
| 508/626-1700, ext. 4187
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