johnroc@ucsco.UCSC.EDU (x2578) (09/06/89)
Does anyone have any experience with Macs and Apple II GS's sharing a lab? Can they use the same file server? Does it need to be partitioned? Can they both use an Imagewriter II with AppleTalk card? What software and hardware do the GS's need? Do they come with AppleTalk built in? Mail to me and I'll summarize. Thnaks. John Rocchio (408-459-2578) UC Santa Cruz Appletalk/Macintosh Hardware and Software Consultant johnroc@ucsco.BITNET ...ucbvax!ucscc!ucsco!johnroc
rewing@Apple.COM (Richard Ewing) (09/06/89)
Macs and Apple IIgs' can share the same Appletalk network servers and printers with no problems whatsoever. In fact, we do it everyday. All you need on the Mac side is System software 6.0.2 or above with any Mac Plus or better. On the GS side, you need an Apple IIgs with at least 768K of memory, rev 01 ROMs or above, and System Software 5.0. For networking, any Appletalk Imagewriter or Laserwriter will do, and for Appleshare, you need a version 2.0 server or compatible. NO PARTITIONING NECESSARY! System 5.0 on the GS will allow it to use the long Appleshare file names and pathnames that the Mac does with no problem. And both machines print properly to any networked printer...even the Print Server software works on both machines. And finally, to hook all these guys up, you need Apple's localtalk cabling or Farallon's Phonenet cabling, and you have yourself a mixed network or Apple products! __________________________________________________________________________ |Disclaimer: Segmentation Fault: Core Dumped. | | | |Internet: REWING@APPLE.COM-----------------------Rick Ewing | |ApplelinkPE & MacNet Soon!------------------Apple Computer, Inc. | |Applelink: EWING--------------------100 Ashford Center North, Suite 100 | |Compu$erve: [76474,1732]--------------------Atlanta, GA 30338 | |GENIE: R.EWING1--------------------------TalkNet: (404) 393-9358 | |USENET: {amdahl,decwrl,sun,unisoft}!apple!rewing | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^