glassner@arisia.Xerox.COM (Andrew Glassner) (09/10/89)
Help requested for Deja Vu II (Lost in Las Vegas) *** WARNING: Contains Spoilers!! *** Hi. I bought Deja Vu II (Lost in Las Vegas) last week, and I have become stuck. I'd send off for the clue sheet, but I have two problems with that: 1) they want $5, which I consider an unreasonable charge for a couple of sheets of paper, considering that I have already bought the software, and 2) it will take a couple of weeks, and I want to advance in the game now! Below I will describe what I have managed to do, and then list those things that still block me. I would love to hear a hint from someone who can offer advice, but please don't tell me how to solve the whole game - just a little nudge in the right direction, so I can get unstuck and back into the game. Progress so far (*** SPOILERS! ***): I won big bucks in the Casino from my old pal, and took the train to Chicago. I took the cab home, and picked up my gun, knife, and other goodies. Then I went to Joe's, broke into the office upstairs, and got the key. I went to the alley, jimmied the lock, and went downstairs into the casino, where I opened the slot machine. I then went to Sugar's, read the note in the vacuum, and put on the uniform. (I also found the bank notes in her dresser). At the morgue I got the dead mobster's remains. I did visit his ex-house, but there was nothing of worth there that I could see. That's about where I run out of oomph. For the heck of it, I went back to Las Vegas, got the suitcase with the picture and letter, and hid in the dumpster. At the laundry I broke out of my ropes and wandered around, but there didn't seem to be much I can do at this point. None of my keys opened either laundry door. Here are the things that baffle me right now: My nicotine craving - is there anything I can do about it? The man in the Las Vegas train station - I cannot get any interaction with this guy. The first room in Joe's Bar (coming in from the alley) has a door behind me that's locked - how do I get in? The bum outside Sugar's apartment - how do I get rid of this guy? The two keys I got at the morgue - what do they open? The fire escape outside Joe's office - is there any way to climb higher? The mercedes key - what is this all about? The women's room in Joe's Bar - is there any way to break in? Is there any reason to break in? The blank spot on the elevator's button panel in the casino - is there any way to get to the fifth floor? If I break the elevator it tells me next time I should take the stairs - are they being cute, or are there really stairs to be found somewhere? Any nudges in the right direction that will help me solve one of the above questions and get me unstuck will be quite appreciated. Thanks! -Andrew Glassner (