[comp.sys.mac] MDS->MPW assembly

rfl@oddjob.uchicago.edu (Bob Loewenstein) (09/26/89)

I have some older assembly sources in MDS format. Is this
compatible with MPW format? If not, is there a utility that
will convert source code?

nobody@wrgate.WR.TEK.COM (Unpriveleged user) (09/28/89)

From: herbw@midas.WR.TEK.COM (Herb Weiner)
Path: midas!herbw

In article <5541@tank.uchicago.edu>, rfl@oddjob.uchicago.edu (Bob Loewenstein)
> I have some older assembly sources in MDS format. Is this
> compatible with MPW format? If not, is there a utility that
> will convert source code?

There WAS such a utility (I believe it was called "mdscvt") in MPW 2.0.
The utility is NOT present in MPW 3.0.  Perhaps Apple can explain why.