mrapple@quack.UUCP (Nick Sayer) (10/14/89)
Since last I posted about this problem, I've managed to get an Adaptec ACB-4000 SCSI controller and an NEC 40 MB hard disk formatted as a 43 MByte Mac SE hard disk after some serious hacking, and with help from (thanks!). Now the only trouble is that as well as this setup works as a Mac drive, it is useless as a //gs drive. After properly formatting it on the mac, I plug it into my Apple // SCSI board, Rev C., which is in my //gs. The first attempt to access the drive turns on the access light and leaves it on for a very long time (>5 mins), then comes back claiming the drive doesn't exist. Running the "HDFORMAT" program (available from Applelink) results in a seek to track 0, then a "SCSI Error 27," which tells me nothing, except that I've noticed that the ProDOS error #27 is "I/O error." Is there some difference in the way the Apple // SCSI card accesses a SCSI drive and the Mac SE accesses it? Obviously the directory structures are totally different, but this trouble is obviously occuring on a deeper level than that... --------------------------------------------------------------------- Nick Sayer | ...{ lll-winken!cheers ucdavis!uop } !quack!mrapple .... or.... cheers!quack! or quack! Packet radio: N6QQQ @ WB6V | FredMail: NSAYER@MADERA%NORCAL Disclaimer: The BBC would like to appologise for that announcement