(C J Silverio) (10/24/89)
Hello. I have been asked to provide consultation coding for a company that publishes a very large set of documentation (as well as the software that accompanies it). The task is to obtain the index entries (between 150 and 1200 per volume) from each of the 40 or so volumes and slightly modify them and sort them together. The manuals are written in Microsoft Word 4.0, and broken down into one chapter per physical file. Index entries run down to "level 3" subentries. If you have any answers to the following questions, please feel free to EMAIL me the answers. I'll compile the results and post a summary, if interest warrants. Q1: Does anyone know of any existing software that (almost) does the job? Q2: Does anyone know of any software that can extract the appropriate text from the document -- either the finished Index lines and their style info or the original .i. paragraphs and their page numbers? Thank you for your patience. Your speedy reply is greatly appreciated.