(Thom Brando) (11/08/89)
I've had Pyro! 3.3 on my machine for several months and never had this problem before yesterday: I go to the Control Panel and select the Pyro! icon... I get a blank message box, the cursor moves but nothing else happens, and eventually the machine freezes. The machine is a Mac II with a DayStar Digital Accelerator II (40-MHz 68030), 8 MB of memory, 80-MB hard disk, Apple CD SC, and Apple 40MB tape drive. I'm running 6.0.3, I removed everything I ever dropped into my System Folder, and the problem recurs. I noticed that the date on the Pyro! document in my System Folder was very recent, as opposed to the date on the original Pyro! document I kept in my Utilities Folder, so I replaced the one in my System Folder with a new copy of the one in my Utilities Folder. Well... this time the message box wasn't blank... it was a bomb box that said "Can't load the finder" and had one button labeled "Restart". I pressed the "Restart" button and the machine froze. Any takers? -- Thom Brando (617) 271-3947 The MITRE Corporation, m/s A129 Burlington Road, Bedford, MA 01730 ...!linus!brando