[comp.sys.mac] Weird disk problem

spud@metasoft.UUCP (David Hayes) (04/21/88)

if anyone has seen the following problem and has as an explanation for
this strange behavior, please send me mail:

		1 Mb SE w/ 2 floppies
		2 Mb Mac+
		DataFrame XP20 disk
		system 4.2/6.0/1.0

we wanted to do some machine shuffling and wanted to take the disk off
of the Plus and put it on the SE.  The SE wouldn't boot (sad Mac
with 0000000F and 00000002) from the hard disk, and when it was booted from
a floppy, a bomb (id = 2) would appear when the finder was trying to display
the disk's icon. we tried different scsi cables, both scsi ports, deleting
the desktop file on the hard disk, zapping the PRAM and finally gave up. The
SE will work with other DataFrames and the DataFrame that wouldn't work
will work on different machines.

		any insight gratefully accepted, i will post a
		summary if interest warrants or forward responses
		to anyone who so requests,


gabe@ctr.columbia.edu (Gabe Wiener) (11/12/89)

Hey there folks.  I recently came across an older disk of mine.  It's 400K
MFS.  I was using it w/o incident last year, but when I recently came upon
it, it exhibited the following symptoms:

	- It ejects itself if I try to boot.

	- If I insert it at the finder, it causes the system to hang.
	  No dialog box asking me to reinitialize it.  The system just
	  hangs up!

	- If I run MacTools on it under multifinder, the system hangs as
	  soon as Multifinder sees it.

	- If I run MacTools on it w/o Multifinder, I can see the directory,
	  and all appears to be intact, but the moment I try to run something
	  on it by bouncing out of MacTools, it hangs the machine.

	- When I try to run SUM's scanner on it, it begins reading okay.
	  The name of the disk comes up in the dialog box, but as it keeps
	  reading, the system hangs...and this is before the dialog box
	  is fully drawn!  Thus I get a partially drawn dialog box w/the
	  disk's name in it.

Okay folks.  Any ideas how I can get at this disk w/o hanging my machine?
BTW, this is a Mac SE w/800K drives.


Gabe Wiener - Columbia Univ.     "This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings 
gabe@ctr.columbia.edu             to be seriously considered as a means of 
gmw1@cunixd.cc.columbia.edu       communication. The device is inherently of
72355.1226@compuserve.com         no value to us."  -Western Union memo, 1877