rcbaem@eutrc3.urc.tue.nl (Ernst <pooh> Mulder) (11/13/89)
I had a nice System Error (ID=02) at boot-time when I first tried to use it. I hadn't changed the configuration, and the folder :PUBLIC wasn't one available on the hard disk. When I changed this folder to an exisisting one, the problem disappeared. Is this a Public Folder problem? Or was the problem due to other INITs that loaded before the Public Folder RDEF? pooh.
peirce@claris.com (Michael Peirce) (11/14/89)
In article <1261@eutrc3.urc.tue.nl> rcbaem@eutrc3.urc.tue.nl (Ernst <pooh> Mulder) writes: > > I had a nice System Error (ID=02) at boot-time when I first tried to use >it. I hadn't changed the configuration, and the folder :PUBLIC wasn't one >available on the hard disk. When I changed this folder to an exisisting >one, the problem disappeared. > Is this a Public Folder problem? Or was the problem due to other INITs >that loaded before the Public Folder RDEF? > > pooh. It's hard to say what caused it. When Public Folder doesn't see the configured folder (:Public: by default), it should just not load in the server code and display the Public Folder icon with a big X on it. If you can recreate the bomb, please send me a description as well as a list of what other INIT/CDEV/RDEV's you are running I might be able to figure out what was going on... Claris Corp. | Michael R. Peirce (author of Public Folder) -------------+-------------------------------------- | 5201 Patrick Henry Drive MS-C4 | Box 58168 | Santa Clara, CA 95051-8168 | (408) 987-7319 | AppleLink: peirce1 | Internet: peirce@claris.com | uucp: {ames,decwrl,apple,sun}!claris!peirce