UF749@cc.usu.edu (11/16/89)
Help ! I have a paper (backup is too old) written in Writenow 2.0, mostly text with 2 figures (superpaint), + bunch of eqns done in maceqn Working on an 80MB hard disk, with 22mb free maciix 4mb ram, sys6.0.3 Upon editing an eqn in Maceqn and then selecting it to copy a dialog showed up from Writenow saying approx you are almost out of disk space, close other documents, compact, undo I selected close other documents , and after a second or two was presented with the same dialog, with 'close other docs' dimmed selected 'compact file (lose backup in the process)' was presented with the dialog again, selected undo was presented with a system crash The document still exists. Upon trying to open it with writenow it fails to open it with error -39, file is open for write or with file is in use, attempts to work with a copy of the file give the same result and prevent deletion (locked or in use) I 've tried the close file da, macsnoop, Resedit (info bits), Mactools and Fedit without success What is the format of Writenow files ? Using the file utility programs I can look at the first few sectors that show the text from pages 1-3, then some stuff that is apparently the superpaint figs then lots of stuff that looks like binhex rather than text. Any help to recover the file will be appreciated. Thanks uf749@cc.usu.edu