[comp.sys.mac] Internet Router problems...

newing@zeus.unl.edu (11/17/89)

I am trying to install Apple INTERNET ROUTER.  My network consists of two VAX's 
on the same backbone, both running PACER as servers (share and link).  In
addition, I have several printers hanging off a local talk (Phonenet).  Both
VAXs are defined as different ZONES with different NETWORK Numbers.  

When I startup using ETHERTalk V1.2, I see my PACER servers, but not my
LocalTalk Network.  If I startup using ETHERTalk V2.0 (Appletalk Phase II), I
see my Localtalk, but not my servers.

Am I just stupid or what??

| Nick Ewing  NEWING@UNOCSS.UNL.EDU                                |
|             NEWING@UNOMA1                                        |
| Instructor of Computer Science  |  Systems Support Engineer      |
| University of Nebraska - Omaha  |  Educational Services Unit #3  |