[comp.sys.mac] Need help with HDBack "damaged disk" problem

jrg@Apple.COM (John R. Galloway Jr.) (11/19/89)

I am in a real jam concerning HDbackup.  I dumped off my entire Mac OS partition
so that I could repartition the disk for A/UX.  I have done this before and all
has gone well.  However this time HDBackup compalins that one of my floppies
is "damaged" and it can't continue (I have typed "ok" to the "skip this file"
dialog box, at least 50 times, it doesn't seem to be getting out of it).  Finder
has no problem looking at the floppy (it sees 9 files), disk first aid says its
fine, and even HDBackup in single file mode seems the 9 fiels plus "desktop" and
"InfisHDBo3b".  this is system 6.03 HD Backup 1.1 .  I assume the problem is
that HDBackups internal dump file (where it puts info about folders and such)
is trashed.  I really don't want to try and pull all my stuff out (30MB of
files) by hand.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Are there any backup utils
that can read HDBACKUP floppies that are perhaps more robust?  Does someone
know the format of the dump (i.e if i want to fix it by hand, how do I do it?)
Any suggestions would be helpful.  Oh the partition I am restoring to IS
BIGGER than the one I dumped from, but MAC DTS (developer tech services) says
that that is no longer a problem (the author of HDBbackup is unfortunately
on a leave of absense).  email or post, I'll summarize the former to the
latter.  Also please note the .signature, I do not work for apple.  Thanks
(if you can help me out REALLY thanks!).

apple!jrg	John R. Galloway, Jr.       contract programmer, San Jose, Ca

These are my views, NOT Apple's, I am a GUEST here, not an employee!!