[comp.sys.mac] Connectix ships version 2.0 of Virtual memory software for Mac

mha@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (Mark H. Anbinder) (11/23/89)

Connectix Corporation has just shipped Virtual (tm) 2.0, the second
generation version of its virtual memory utility for the Macintosh.  Version
2.0 allows Macintosh users, for the first time ever, to access up to 14
megabytes of internal memory, and provides this capability as a transparent
software retrofit to the existing operating system.  All registered owners
of version 1 of Virtual will be receiving version 2.0 as a free upgrade (so
send in your registration cards).

Virtual 2.0 is configured via a cdev, or control panel device, that allows
the user to specify the amount of RAM that will be available, ranging from 
the actual amount of physical DRAM installed in the computer, up to a total
of 14 megabytes.  The cdev also allows the user to determine where Virtual
will store its "swap file" on disk (this is the file in which the virtual
memory information is kept).

Virtual is able to access up to 14 megabytes of RAM by utilizing memory
addresses normally reserved for expansion cards.  Macintosh users with only
one card installed, typically a video card, will be able to access up to
fourteen megabytes of internal memory.  Users with more cards will be able
to access one less megabyte per extra card installed, since each card uses
a megabyte of internal address space.

The software-only version of Virtual, for the Mac SE/30, IIx, IIcx, and IIci,
is available for $199.  Connectix has also lowered its list price for the
version for Mac II systems to $275.  This package includes the virtual memory
software, as well as a Motorola MC68851 Paged Memory Management Unit (PMMU).
This is a memory co-processor chip that is required to operate Virtual on a 
Mac II (its functions are included in the 68030 processor on the other
computers named above), and it will be required to take advantage of all of
the features of System software 7.0, to be released next year.  (This is
compared to the $495 list price for the exact same PMMU from Apple, which
does NOT include any software.)

Connectix has recently assigned international distributorships including
Softmart International in France, Prisma in Germany, Computers Unlimited
in the UK, Program Paketet in Sweden, Performance Sales in Australia and
New Zealand, and SoftCode in Canada.  North American distribution is
supported by Ingram Micro-D and MacAmerica, with federal marketing through
Falcon MicroSystems.

Connectix can be reached by mail at 125 Constitution Drive, Menlo Park,
California, 94025, by telephone at 415-324-0727, or on the Prodigy on-line
service, userid KSCV71A.


Disclaimer:  I am providing this information solely as a service to
             readers of comp.sys.mac.  I am a beta tester of Virtual,
             so I will be happy to answer any questions I can about
             version 2.0, but other than that I am not affiliated with
             Connectix in any way, shape or form, except as a long-time
             customer (well, since they started, anyway) and happy user.

P.S. Macintosh IIci users, please contact Connectix regarding availability
of a version of Virtual that will work on your computer.  The release
version of 2.0 may not work properly on your IIci.

Mark H. Anbinder        ************************** mha@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu
BAKA Industries                                 ** (cornell!)biar!memory!mha
200 Pleasant Grove Rd.  H: (607) 257-7587 ********
Ithaca, NY 14850        W: (607) 257-2070 ******* "It's not safe out here." Q

mha@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (Mark H. Anbinder) (11/28/89)

In case you're wondering when you'll get your copy of Virtual, I thought
I'd let you know that two-thirds of the update copies were sent out last
Wednesday, and another third was sent Friday.  Leaving extra lee-way
because of the mail holiday Thursday, you should expect your copy by the
end of this week. 

If you DON'T receive your copy of Virtual 2.0, please check whether you
have sent in your registration card.  If you haven't, send it right in
with a request for the new version!  If you had sent in your registration
card, and don't receive the new version this week or early next week
(within the US -- overseas updates may take longer), give Connectix a
call at 415-324-0727 or send them e-mail on Prodigy at KSCV71A.

Haven't bought Virtual at all yet?  Now's the time... version 2.0 is a
much more thorough implementation of virtual memory for the Macintosh
than was 1.0 (or the 1.0x updates).  It really provides amazing
functionality for your Macintosh that the Mac just plain DOESN'T HAVE
otherwise.  If you have any questions about the program, feel free to
run them by me... I can pass along any I don't know the answer to.  Or,
just call Connectix at the number above.

Again, my disclaimer: I'm providing this information as a service to
the comp.sys.mac community.  I am affiliated with Connectix only as
a satisfied customer and an independent software beta-tester.

Mark H. Anbinder        ************************** mha@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu
BAKA Industries                                 ** (cornell!)biar!memory!mha
200 Pleasant Grove Rd.  H: (607) 257-7587 ********
Ithaca, NY 14850        W: (607) 257-2070 ******* "It's not safe out here." Q