e87_beo@tekno.chalmers.se (BENGT-ERIK OLSSON) (11/29/89)
Does anybody know if there is any terminalemulator for the Mac which supports some sort of multi process host? I wouldlike to have one process in each window, like it is on for ex. VAX 2000 workstation. Bengt-Erik Olsson Chalmers university, Sweden.
jdarcy@pinocchio.encore.com (Jeff d'Arcy) (11/30/89)
e87_beo@tekno.chalmers.se (BENGT-ERIK OLSSON): > Does anybody know if there is any terminalemulator for the Mac > which supports some sort of multi process host? > I wouldlike to have one process in each window, like it is on for > ex. VAX 2000 workstation. The solution that comes to mind first is eXodus, an X implementation from White Pines. I'm not sure whether this package expects Ethernet or whether it can use SLIP also. Jeff d'Arcy OS/Network Software Engineer jdarcy@encore.com Encore has provided the medium, but the message remains my own
barmar@think.com (11/30/89)
Someone else mentioned eXodus, an X server that runs on the Mac. I suspect that there's no SLIP for the Mac, so this will only work if the Mac and the host are on a network (AppleTalk or Ethernet) together. For use over serial lines connected to Unix there's a publically available system called UW (for Unix Windows). It consists of a Macintosh terminal emulator and some Unix programs (when I last saw it (4-5 years ago) it only worked with BSD Unix). After logging into Unix using the terminal emulator you would issue the Unix "uw" command, and you would then be able to create multiple shell windows, either from a Macintosh menu or via a Unix command ("uwtool" -- the name is patterned after Sun's convention of naming window-based versions of programs <program>tool). UW should be available from a Macintosh archive server. Don't ask me where they are, I don't know. Barry Margolin, Thinking Machines Corp. barmar@think.com {uunet,harvard}!think!barmar
folta@tove.umd.edu (Wayne Folta) (11/30/89)
"" Does anybody know if there is any terminalemulator for the Mac "" which supports some sort of multi process host? "" I wouldlike to have one process in each window, like it is on for "" ex. VAX 2000 workstation. The programs UW do what you want. I say programs because one part runs on, for instance, a VAX, while the other part runs on the Mac. The VAX end opens up multiple pseudottys, each running a shell. Then it multiplexes the output to the multiple corresponding windows on the Mac. It is really nice, and it works over the serial port, so you can do multi-[text-based-]windows over a dialup connection. That's better than X-windows, etc. Wayne Folta (folta@cs.umd.edu
suhler@IBM.COM (Paul Suhler) (11/30/89)
I've seen a couple of mentions of UW. I tried to use this a couple of years ago over a 1200 baud phone line and found that it was too noisy. There appeared not to be much (any?) error checking, so that the noise often looked like control characters that would create new windows, move me among windows, and generally make use impossible. I used versions 1 and 2, I believe. Perhaps the protocol is more robust now. I hope so. It was great when it was working. If you're using a serial line or a better modem than I had, then it should be just the thing. Paul Suhler Hybrid Dataflow Systems
geo@orac.hss.bu.oz.au (George Bray) (12/08/89)
in article <10486@encore.Encore.COM>, jdarcy@pinocchio.encore.com (Jeff d'Arcy) says: > > The solution that comes to mind first is eXodus, an X implementation from > White Pines. I'm not sure whether this package expects Ethernet or whether > it can use SLIP also. eXodus uses TSSnet, Alisa Systems DECnet drivers for the Macintosh. I've only used eXodus through the ether but I'm told TSSnet v1.3 will make your Mac look like a DECnet Phase IV non-routing end node while still on LocalTalk. > Jeff d'Arcy OS/Network Software Engineer jdarcy@encore.com > Encore has provided the medium, but the message remains my own ________________________________________________________________________ George Bray > CompuServe:72711,253 Phone:075-30-3705 Sand Consulting Pty Ltd > AppleLink:AUST0287 Mobile: P.O. Box 157, > Internet:geo@orac.hss.bu.oz.au MacNet:GEO Bond University, 4229. > UUCP: ..!uunet!munnari!orac.hss.bu.oz.au!geo A U S T R A L I A. > Disclaimer: All Applicable Disclaimers Apply