(Willie Perez) (12/11/89)
Someone recently requested information about Art A. Schumer. He is the author of the "MacPassword" contol panel device. I replied that since I had a GEnie account, I would email him. Well I did and here is the info he provided for those of you who nededit. Art Schumer c/o Evergreen Software Inc. 15600 NE 8th Street, Ste A3126 Bellevue, WA 98008 (206) 483-6576 Fed TaxID#: 91-1453356 Incidently, version 3.5 is on GEnie. This includes a screen saver, virus detection (no need for vaccine), AppleShare like protection (for registered users) and sounds. If there is enough of a request, I will post it to info-mac and comp.binaries.mac. email: GEnie: W.PEREZ1