[comp.sys.mac] Advice sought on 2 Page displays for Mac IIci


I am about to get a IIci and seriously consider buying a 2 page display.
I am familiar with Apple's RGB monitor and found myself wishing more often
than I'd like for more screen space.  I would like to hear from those having
experience with 2PDs.  Note that I am not in the imaging business -- I want
to buy a 2PD because my work involves using several applications at the same
time, and I am a bit (make it 16 bits) tired of swapping active windows.

        - What are the inconvenients of 2PDs (slows down execution, strains
               your eyes, uses a lot of Windex :-)
        - Why would someone buy a BW (1 bit only) monitor, or an 8 bit gray-
               scale monitor?  Isn't 4 bit the practical limit imposed by
               the Laser Writer?
        - I read MacUsers' review of displays, only to be more confused by the
               wide array of choices.  They rated Apple's rather poorly mainly
               because it is a 4 bit.  Now, my understanding is that the
               limiting factor is in the card, not in the monitor.
        - Any other opinion will be appreciated.  Thanks.  Stephane