(Dottie MacKeen) (12/09/89)
We are attempting to transfer copies of MacIntosh documents (write and draw) to other MacIntoshes using the VAX as the transmission vehicle with KERMIT as the tool used. After several attempts, it appears to be able to transfer only binary applications since they can be transferred using the resource fork. However, since documents have both data and resource forks and since the version of Kermit that we are using (.9(40)) can send only one fork, we were not able to successfully transfer documents and maintain their formatting. Is anyone doing this successfully? Is there a trick in Kermit we don't understand? If you are using other tools, what is working well for you. Thanks for any help you can provide. Dottie MacKeen GenRad, Inc (Louis M. McDonald) (12/09/89)
In article <29724@genrad.UUCP>, (Dottie MacKeen) writes: > We are attempting to transfer copies of MacIntosh documents (write and draw) > to other MacIntoshes using the VAX as the transmission vehicle with KERMIT > as the tool used. > What I use to do is BINHEX the file from STUFFIT, and then transfer the BINHEX (ascii formatted data) file to the VAX. The user on another Mac can then get the file and unBINHEX it. Since the BINHEX file is in ascii format, KERMIT will work, as will other transfer programs. I also believe there is something called macget and macput that should work on the binary format directly. But I do not know enough about that. -- Louis McDonald The Aerospace Corporation (Jeff Kulp x2174) (12/09/89)
I have done some transferring of STUFFIT files via kermit to my Mac using Versaterm. Kermit must be set in the "binary" mode, I do this by starting kermit using "kermit -i". The communications software that you use must be in "MACBINARY" mode. If the comms software is left in 'binary', the document that is sent/received is saved as in text format, not binary format. I hope this may be of some help. I wasted several hours attempting to transfer binary files using "binary" instead of "macbinary" mode until I stumbled onto this. Jeff Kulp (Michael Peirce) (12/13/89)
In article <63072@aerospace.AERO.ORG> (Louis M. McDonald) writes: > >I also believe there is something called macget and macput that should >work on the binary format directly. But I do not know enough about that. > There is also a program called XMAC written in Vax Pascal (by a friend of mine, Kris Kreutzman, now with Apple). It's very reliable and was used widely back at DEC. I never had any problems transfering binary files. Claris Corp. | Michael R. Peirce -------------+-------------------------------------- | 5201 Patrick Henry Drive MS-C4 | Box 58168 | Santa Clara, CA 95051-8168 | (408) 987-7319 | AppleLink: peirce1 | Internet: | uucp: {ames,decwrl,apple,sun}!claris!peirce