[comp.sys.mac] PD wanted - VT220 emulator

rb@diab.se (Rune Brannstrom) (12/12/89)

Is there any VT220 emulation code for Mac
floating around, which is public domain ?
If so, I would appreciate a pointer !


DISCLAIMER:  "I only speak with myself"

Rune Brannstrom    rb@diab.se                 DDDD   I   A   BBBB       /\
DIAB DATA AB                                  D   D  I  A A  B   B     /  \ 
Box 676                                       D    D I A   A BBBB     /  / \
582 24 LINKOPING   Phone: +46 13 111221       D   D  I AAAAA B   B   /  /  /\
SWEDEN             Fax:   +46 13 133446       DDDD   I A   A BBBB    ---------

espen@well.UUCP (Peter Espen) (12/15/89)

        There is a $50 Shareware program on several of the major Mac BBS
systems called QVT. It is a VT220 emulation program with good Kermit and
Xmodem capabilities.
        A colleague uses it at work and it seems like a very well done
bug free program.

        Peter Espen