bills@cca.UUCP (11/19/86)
I am looking for a word list simillar to one used in building a dictionary for a spelling checker. I need 20,000 - 50,000 common unique words, hypenation and accents are optional. Budget is very small, prefer free. Any ideas where I can find such a thing?? -- Bill Stackhouse Cambridge, MA. (Enartloc Nhoj) (12/23/89)
Thanks to all those who responded to my request for information leading to wordlists. Both Austin Code Works of Austin Texas and Moby Words by Illumind of Monterey, CA. were suggested with about equal enthusisam. Given the lists from each of the companies run about the same price, I opted for Illumind's MOBY WORDS.. a 530,000 word list.. or about twice as large as the one from Austin Code Works. . Other products I'd like to buy in the future include a phonetic listing and a parts of speech library... All offered by Illumind. The disks arrived in MS-DOS 720k format at my request since i have a 1040ST... all i had to do was load them onto my hard drive and run the files through compress -d .. and there they were.... all 6.5 MBytes! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. -kevin