(Thom Gillespie) (12/26/89)
>NoRad makes a screen cover
The NoRad screen cover is NoGood for the low level radiation problem discussed
by Paul Brodeur in the New Yorker and his book "Currents of Death."
Seems the greatest radiation problems are from the sides and the back of
computers. It isn't like a ray gun trying to zap us -- much more chaotic.
IBM has just agreed to sell 'safe' -- read sheilded machines in Scandanavia.
Apple has never released the readings on their machines. I asked them to do so
over the net last year. We know they read the net. Maybe I missed the posting,
please send me the safe report. I'd like to read it.
If you get a chance read Brodeur's book "Currents of Death" -- excellent and
frightening. the general consensus is that as an organism we have evolved
successfully within a certain amount of low level radiation. the problem is
when our technological environement increases our environment of low level
radiation with power lines and 8 hours of vdt use -- not natural.
Also check out Selsin's Microwave News and/or VDT News. Excellent up-to-date
information which is not carried by many libraries or online database.
--Thom Gillespie