[comp.sys.mac] Halls of Montezuma scenarios available?

andy@gistdev.gist.com (Andy Warinner) (01/09/90)

I recently bought the Mac version of the "Halls of Montezuma".  I have
thoroughly enjoyed playing the scenarios that came with it.  Does 
anyone out there in netland know where I can get my hands on other
scenarios for HoM?  The magazine offer that came with game wasn't clear if
they would offer new scenarios for the Mac and the magazine is a little

Being new to the game, I would also appreciate any hints on strategy and 
tactics for the HoM.

I am also considering buying "Universal Military Simulator".  How does it
compare to HoM?  Comments appreciated.

(Please email, we only get a limited feed.)

Thanks in advance,

Andrew Warinner    | "Semper ubi sub ubi" - J. Caesar
GIST, Inc.         | ARPANET: andy%gistdev@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu
Standard           | UUCP   : {uunet,pur-ee,convex}!uiucuxc!gistdev!andy -or-
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