[comp.sys.mac] dhrystone 2.1 rating for IIci

paulo@cs.man.ac.uk (Paulo de Geus) (01/22/90)

This is what I managed to measure on a IIci  by running  the dhrystone
2.1 benchmark.  I can't guarantee accuracy, but at least this gives an
idea  of what to expect.  A  few changes were  required  in the source
code to  compile with Think  C 4.0 (a  typedef name clash  and setting
some compiler options).  I believe MPW would give better results.

Details: Mac IIci, 4 MBytes RAM, built-in video (so there is always an
overhead).  System 6.0.4; Finder or  Multifinder doesn't seem  to make
any difference, nor does  reg/no reg.  30000  iterations, timed with a
stopwatch (don't know how to make the program run with a larger number
of iterations, MacOS limitations I believe, so that the automatic
timing is more precise).

Accuracy of the measurements is ~ +/- 3%

8-bit video	3456 dhrystones/sec
1-bit video	5111 dhrystones/sec

Below is an extract from the last  dhrystone 2.n posting on comp.arch,
showing best results for some machines.  The  last two entries for the
680x0 and 80386 were the best  for those  CPUs.   I  can mail to those
interested a binhexed version with  all the fields   (too wide for  80
column terminals).


Paulo L de Geus		   JANET: paulo@uk.ac.man.cs
Dept of Computer Science   Internet: paulo%cs.man.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
University of Manchester   UUCP:...!uunet!mcsun!ukc!man.cs!paulo
Manchester M13 9PL  U.K.   BITNET: paulo@cs.man.ac.uk


Sun Apr 30 17:19:21 EDT 1989

manuf   |model       |proc  |clock|compiler  |cver   |noreg|  reg
Apple   |Macintosh   |68000 | 7.83|Lightspeed|1.11a  |  781|  781
Computer|Plus        |      |     |Pascal    |       |     |     
Apple   |Macintosh   |68000 | 7.83|Lightspeed|2.15   |  719|  789
Computer|Plus        |      |     |C         |       |     |     
Apple   |Macintosh   |68000 | 7.83|MPW Pascal|2.0.2  |  832|  832
Computer|Plus        |      |     |          |       |     |     
IBM     |PC/AT       |80286 | 8.00|AT&T cc   |11/8/84| 1318| 1450
DEC     |VAX 780     |      |     |pcc       |       | 1424| 1517
Atari   |MEGA 2      |68000 | 8.00|Turbo C   |1.0    | 1650| 1730
Corp.   |            |      |     |          |       |     |     
Apple   |Macintosh II|68020 |15.70|Lightspeed|2.15   | 2469| 2469
Computer|            |      |     |C         |       |     |     
Acorn   |Archimedes  |Acorns| 4.00|Norcroft  |1.64A  | 4708| 4708
        |A310        |RISC  |     |ARM C     |       |     |     
        |            |Machin|     |          |       |     |     
        |            |e ARM |     |          |       |     |     
NeXT    |            |68030 |33.00|GCC       |1.33   | 5809| 5833
AT&T    |6386E WGS   |80386 |20.00|Greenhills|1.8.3A | 7232| 7244
        |            |      |     |C         |       |     |     
Sun     |3/280       |68020 |25.00|GNU CC    |1.31   | 7481| 7534
Sun     |386i/250    |80386 |25.00|Sun CC    |Feb 88 | 8113| 8469
Apollo  |DN4000      |68020 |25.00|Apollo    |7.3808 | 8866| 8866
Computer|            |      |     |Pascal    |       |     |     
DEC     |VAX 8800    |      |     |pcc       |       | 9569| 9696
Prime   |EXL 325     |80386 |25.00|SVS C     |2.8    |10711|10860
Computer|            |      |     |          |       |     |     
Hewlett-|HP9000/370  |68030 |33.00|cc        |6.2    |10310|11062
Packard |            |      |     |          |       |     |     
National|NS32GX32    |32GX32|30.00|GNX -     |3.4    |16087|16087
Semicond|Evaluation  |      |     |Version 3C|       |     |     
uctor   |Board       |      |     |Optimizing|       |     |     
        |            |      |     |Compiler  |       |     |     
        |            |      |     |(CTP)     |       |     |     
Hewlett-|HP9000/835  |RISC  |15.00|HP cc     |A.03.04|21649|21753
Packard |            |      |     |          |       |     |     
Sun     |4/280       |SPARC |16.67|PRISMA cc |0.1x   |23148|23148
Cray    |Cray-2/4    |s/n   |243.0|Pascal    |4.0    |28600|28600
Research|-128S       |2012  |     |          |pre-rel|     |     
Motorola|Platform-88 |M88100|20.00|Green     |1.8.4  |33247|33247
Computer|Software    |      |     |Hills     |Beta   |     |     
Division|Development |      |     |C-88000   |       |     |     
        |Platform    |      |     |          |       |     |     
MIPS    |M/2000      |R3000 |25.00|cc (MIPS) |1.31   |42700|42830
Amdahl  |5990-700    |Dual  |     |GNU cc    |xperimn|91463|91463
        |            |CPU   |     |          |tl 3/10|     |     
        |            |      |     |          |/88    |     |     
Paulo L de Geus		   JANET: paulo@uk.ac.man.cs
Dept of Computer Science   Internet: paulo%cs.man.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
University of Manchester   UUCP:...!uunet!mcsun!ukc!man.cs!paulo
Manchester M13 9PL  U.K.   BITNET: paulo@cs.man.ac.uk